Tour Guide Training Video - Tour Guide and Tour Director Training Videos

Tour Guide Training and Tour Director Training PTMT


International Tours

There is a lot of misinformation on exactly what we do as International Tour Directors and how we work with local Tour Guides.  Some think we are Travel Agents.  I hope the video helps in clearing up our job responsibilities.   We lead safe and organized tours around the world delivering what is promised in the brochure and more.

Leading Domestic Tours

How does a Domestic Tour Director lead US tours?   Tours may vary from a few days to several weeks.  It may be an Adult Tour, Adventure Tour or Student Tour.  Most domestic tours are on the same motor coach with the same driver so management can be easier than leading International Tours. It is the responsivity of the Domestic Tour Director to manage the tour and also deliver informative and interesting narration.


There are wonderful careers working in the CMI (Conventions, Meetings and Incentive – MICE)  Market.  Careers include opportunities for local Tour Guides, Field Representative and or for Travel Staff, Travel Directors and Transportation Managers traveling with the meetings, incentives and conventions groups to assist the guest and logistics. 

Cruise Lines

Careers Working on Cruise Lines  – I started my travel career working on the cruise ships and I loved it.  I started with children’s programs and then worked as a Cruise Host for years.  Hopefully the video will help you in getting hired too!   

Interview with LIz Moran

Liz is a past student who shares her career, experiences as a Student Tour Leader, Domestic Tour Director, International Tour Director, Port Lecturer and Tour Operator.

She is the owner of Tour Monkey, an adventure tour company for women. 

Tour Guide Narration

Informative and Interesting Narration

A Tour Guide (U.S.) or a Tourist Guide (European) is a person who provides assistance, information on cultural, historical and contemporary heritage to people on organized tours and individual clients at educational establishments, religious and historical sites, museums, and at venues of other significant interest, attractions sites.

What do Professional Tour Guides Wear?

I’m often asked about what we wear when leading tours.  I think a good “rule of thumb” to follow”,  is something a bit better than your group.   You want them to know you’re a professional and there to work and not just lucky to be on the tour.  

Leading Successful Tours

Cherie Anderson has been training professional Tour Directors, Tour Guides, Travel Staff, Trip Directors and Cruise Hosts for over 20 Years!  Get started in your dream travel job!  Enroll in my Tour Guide Certificate Online Training Course:

Introduction to Tour Guide Training -Tour Director Training

Get Started Today!

I’ve been training professional Tour Directors, Tour Guides, Travel Staff, Student Tour Leaders, Field Representatives, Trip Directors and Cruise Hosts around the world for over 20 years.  Learn how to lead professional and successful tours and how to get hired!  We love our careers.  Let me help you get started today!  

How much can you earn as a Professional Tour Director and Travel Staff?

Most incomes have increased since I recorded this video.  Our income varies greatly, depending on our  job, experience and location.  For example most DMC’s in California normally pay between $20 to $25 per hour as compared to Las Vegas which averages around $18 per hour.  Travel Staff, traveling with meetings and incentives, make between $250 and $400 per day depending on their experience and responsibility.  Experienced Tour Directors earn about $350 a day with salary and gratuities.   If you’re hired as an employee to lead tours, the daily  income may be less but you’ll receive a regular salary and benefits.   

Tour Guide Training - Tour Director Training

How do you get started leading local, domestic and international tours and cruises?   I hope this video gives you ideas and help in how to start your dream travel career as a Tour Director, Tour Guide, Travel Staff and Cruise Host!  Our careers are never boring and we’re always learning.     

Interview with Singles Travel International




Part 1

March 2021 interview with Singles Travel International discussing careers for Tour Guides, Tour Directors, Student Tour Leaders, Adventure Guides, Cruise Hosts and more.

“Enjoy Living Your Dream Travel Job!” 



Part 2

March 2021 interview with Singles Travel International discussing careers for Tour Guides, Tour Directors, Student Tour Leaders, Adventure Guides, Cruise Hosts and more.  

“Enjoy Living Your Dream Travel Job!”